Saturday, March 9, 2013


By the way, I wrote a book a few years ago.

I thought I'd post some excerpts from the book after writing about the harmony of our solar system...

The Conductor

He steps onto the floor unnoticed,
Pauses for a moment, then
With humble dignity he takes
His place on the great stage.

The orchestra is silent now,
Though moments gone they were bedlam,
And now so void of movement that
You hear him turn the page.

As though to his fingers attached
Are notes and treble clefs and staffs
The players keep their eyes on them
As every song is played.

Their sheets of music are useless
As he commands the tubas play
Yet picks out delicate notes and
Then sends them up the harpists' way.

Though he has only two hands and
One baton vice their multitude,
Each player knows exactly what
The conductor conveys.

And even in the audience,
And though his back is turned to you,
You feel his passion, though you can
Deny it, as you may.

(As a side note for coincidence's sake, Molchanov cast Jupiter as the role of conductor of this orchestra, and as a Sagittarius, Jupiter is my ruling planet. Also, this poem is found on page 23 of my book, and I was born on the 23rd of November. However, those are only coincidences. I wrote The Conductor for my brother, who shares a birthday with Galilei Galileo, and is therefore an Aquarius and ruled by Uranus.)


The purest form of innocence
Explores the world wide-eyed
Bare-bottomed little child carefree
She has nothing to hide

Each new day brings discovery
The sky is limitless
What keeps it from cascading down?
Becomes a noble quest

If the answer cannot be found
A fable takes its place
While drifting clouds do fill her courts
Each presenting his case

Those Who Seek Still Find

I've looked for wisdom everywhere
To the ends of the Earth
Although my toes touched seawater
I continued my search

Tallest mountain overtaken
And oldest tree studied
I held my ear up to the wind
To hear who set it free

I've found something strong that was made
From something delicate
A rose, though fragile, produces
A most powerful scent

The terrible engulfing fire
Is honest though it burns
And many things in life are fair
Gravity works, Earth turns

My hunt led me to Orion
And I whispered to him
How close am I in my pursuit?
Can you see truth's footprints?

He met my query with silence
As I had known he would
A storyteller in the square
Did me a deal more good

"A thief approached a sleeping town
As did the dawning sun
The stranger forfeited the race
And so the morning won..."

"Sometimes," he told me, "we must learn
"Not just how far to go
"But also when we should give up
"It's important to know."

I still seek out wisdom today
But don't travel as far
It is not required of those
With a discerning heart


How does the delicate clear glass
Support the universe,
And not the rigid beams of brass
Like seams, when pressured, burst?

A woman now knows the answer
To this simple question
But long ago a child entered
The great Solarium

"Who left you diamonds on the roof?"
She asked constellations
They had no voice, but spoke of truth
Found in Solariums

One day a sparrow hit a wall,
Wanting inside the room
The girl cried as she watched it fall
Death by Solarium

A kiss was sheltered from the wind
But not protected from
Two wounded wet eyes looking in
The bright Solarium

Beyond a secret garden hedge
Down an old statue comes
Not everything can be witnessed
Inside Solariums

Green plants do grow rather nicely
When someone sings to them
A nursery quite becoming
Of a Solarium

How many scholars studied there,
Where curious minds run?
A healthy knowledge fills the air
In the Solarium

And mirrored in the crystal plane
Captive her reflection
Old soul tonight with moon will wane
Goodbye Solarium

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